It’s great that you chose us – we’ll be best friends even if we don’t know each other yet! 😄

We are Xamk Student Union Kaakko, the official student representative and the heart of the community. Our job is to look after your interests and well-being. We operate on all @xamkfi campuses.

Want to get the most out of your student years? Join Student Union Kaakko! As a member, you will receive an official student card that opens the doors to a wide range of student benefits and discounts.

As a new student, you can join at any time, and for more information, visit our website. As a first-time student, please note that student membership starts from 1 August 2024!

And hey, why is joining Student Union Kaakko like finding your lost keys in the fridge? In both cases, you’ll find that life is suddenly much easier and full of surprises!

Welcome to join us and see you on campus! 😂🙌