
Do you have what it takes for the representative council?

The representative elections are approaching and the candidacy nomination has started today! It’s important to have a diverse group in the representative council, as it represents all Xamk´s students! So yes, believe it [...]

2024-08-26T10:24:37+03:00Monday 26.8.2024|

Security Vulnerability in the Member Register

On Monday, June 10th, we discovered a security vulnerability in our member register. The vulnerability was identified by a student from South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, and we thank them for reporting it. [...]

2024-06-13T19:36:55+03:00Friday 14.6.2024|

YTHS Uutiskirje 21.5.2024

In this newsletter FSHS will serve students in higher education institutions throughout the summer. The Moving for a better study ability model provides a summary of the benefits of physical activity. Expert answers to [...]

2024-05-22T15:27:00+03:00Wednesday 22.5.2024|

FAQ: EU-elections

In the elections held every five years, citizens of the EU member states with the right to vote elect the European Parliament. So what exactly is the European Parliament? The European Parliament has 705 [...]

2024-05-22T09:04:47+03:00Wednesday 22.5.2024|

Remember to renew your membership

Does your student card expire in 30.1.2024? Renew your membership to keep the student benefits at continuous use! You can continue your membership easily through our website. You can also renew your membership on [...]

2024-01-29T10:02:47+02:00Monday 29.1.2024|

Become a member and win headphones

To celebrate the start of the year, we started a competition where by joining the Student Union Kaakko you can win yourself Sony noise canceling headphones! The competition applies to all new members who [...]

2024-01-24T14:25:39+02:00Wednesday 24.1.2024|

Apply for Student Union Kaakko’s board!

Student Union Kaakko opens additional application for vice president to Savonlinna campus. Vice president’s tasks include working as Savonlinna campus’ responsible and lead the Events and services team. The term last until the end [...]

2024-01-12T14:25:11+02:00Friday 12.1.2024|

New Students’ Student Card Orders – January 2024

New Students' Student Card Orders Attention to those who have ordered a student card or are planning to do so. Student card orders for the students starting in January 2024 are currently in a [...]

2023-12-04T14:22:25+02:00Monday 4.12.2023|
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