News with photo

Introducing Kaakko’s new interns!

Mikael Viskari (pictured left) Hello everyone! My name is Mikael Viskari and I'm a second year community educator student in Xamk. For me, this is the first longer internship in Kaakko. My working partner [...]

2022-03-25T14:05:53+02:00Friday 25.3.2022|

Week against Racism!

This week we join the national Week Against Racism campaign. Monday 21st is UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The week is designed to promote equality and emphasize the responsibility of [...]

2022-03-21T12:42:17+02:00Monday 21.3.2022|

The new Advocacy specialist has been selected!

Iida Pilli-Sihvola has been selected as Student Union Kaakko's new advocacy specialist! Iida started on 23 February 2022. In Kaakko Iida takes over the development and implementation of advocacy and influencing work. Advocacy specialist [...]

2022-03-02T14:06:08+02:00Tuesday 1.3.2022|

Wellbeing February in Xamk

In February, we will celebrate Wellbeing February in Xamk. We welcome all xamkees to perform wellbeing related tasks during February. Everyone who completes at least ten tasks will receive an overall badge. You can find the assignments [...]

2022-01-31T11:08:50+02:00Monday 31.1.2022|

Regarding student card deliveries and office opening hours

Due to the current situation with the coronavirus, Kaakko’s offices are, until further notice, open only one day per week. These are the current opening hours: Kotka: On Thursdays 9.30-14.00Kouvola: On Wednesdays 9.30-14.00Mikkeli: On [...]

2022-01-19T13:29:23+02:00Wednesday 19.1.2022|

Student card orders – January 2022

Attention for all students who starting in January 2022! Student card orders for students who starting in January 2022 will be processed in January 2022. Student union has not received student attendance information from [...]

2021-12-21T11:12:30+02:00Tuesday 21.12.2021|
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