Toimistot ja chat on suljettu 24.2.2025. - 28.2.2025 välisenä aikana // Offices and chat will be closed from February 24, 2024, to February 28, 2025.


About KaakkoToimittaja

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So far KaakkoToimittaja has created 25 blog entries.

TEO training at Kaakko

Hello! My name is Miia and I came to Opiskelijakunta Kaakko for the TEO course through Eduko, i.e. for the learning in working life course. I'm in the second year of a bachelor's degree [...]

2024-11-18T12:54:35+02:00Monday 18.11.2024|

Remember to renew your membership

Does your student card expire in 30.1.2024? Renew your membership to keep the student benefits at continuous use! You can continue your membership easily through our website. You can also renew your membership on [...]

2024-01-29T10:02:47+02:00Monday 29.1.2024|

We have a new temporary advocacy specialist!

Hello! My name is Tiitus Piispa and I'm working at Student Union Kaakko as a temporary advocacy specialist during February and March. I did an internship at Kaakko during the spring of 2021 and I [...]

2023-02-02T10:16:16+02:00Thursday 2.2.2023|

Kaakossa on aloittanut edunvalvonnan asiantuntijan sijainen!

Moi! Miä oon Tiitus Piispa ja toimin Opiskelijakunta Kaakossa edunvalvonnan asiantuntijan sijaisena ainakin nyt helmikuun ja maaliskuun ajan. Olin Kaakolla harjoittelussa keväällä 2021 ja tein Kaakolle myös opinnäytetyöni, joten paikka ja ihanat ihmiset ovat minulle [...]

2023-02-02T10:07:41+02:00Thursday 2.2.2023|
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