
About kaakko

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So far kaakko has created 416 blog entries.

Become a tutor

You can enroll for the Tutoring course by sending e-mail to specialist in tutoring and guidance (Elina Ylönen). If you want to continue tutoring, you also need to join the course again. Follow the [...]

2020-11-23T15:18:43+02:00Thursday 28.11.2019|

Membership fee will rise

Student Union Kaakko's representative council decided to rise the membership fee. New memberships: ·       Academic year 32€ (earlier 30€) ·       Semester 0,5 year 20€ (earlier 17€) ·       Handling fee 5€ (earlier 4€) Order your student card now [...]

2020-11-23T15:19:59+02:00Thursday 28.11.2019|

Student union Kaakko´s representative council election results

In elections 594 votes were given, there was 3700 eligible to vote in the elections. Vote percentage was 16,1%.  As a primary members of the representative council were elected: Iina Hoteila, Roni Leppänen, Ilkka Lohilahti, Johanna Mäkinen, Henna Myllymäki, Rico Martikainen, Arttu Berg, Suvi Davidsson, Atte Snygg, Roy Rytikangas, Juha-Matti Salo, Terhi Ropponen, Jens Lötjönen, Janna Kilpeläinen, Arttu-Petteri [...]

2020-11-23T15:21:11+02:00Wednesday 20.11.2019|
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