
About kaakko

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So far kaakko has created 416 blog entries.

Student cards delivery has been suspended

Due to an exceptional situation, the delivery of student cards has been suspended. At the moment we are unable to deliver student cards, even by mail. We hope you understand the situation. If you [...]

2020-11-23T14:49:38+02:00Monday 16.3.2020|

Hallituskatu Appro event is cancelled

The Finnish Government and the Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) have issued a recommendation to withdraw all major events and also smaller events until the end of May. For us, the health and [...]

2020-11-23T14:55:15+02:00Thursday 12.3.2020|

Hallituskadun Appro 2020, 8th of April at Mikkeli!

Gather your friends and join the other students to enjoy this glorious event. Appro pass is personal, but you can participate as a group. There is no official dress code so student overall is [...]

2020-11-23T14:56:34+02:00Tuesday 10.3.2020|

New Membership Services Specialist has been chosen!

Our new Membership Services Specialist is Sauli Sarjus The Membership Services Specialist works both in our Kotka and Kouvola offices. Please contact the Membership Services Specialist in matters related to Student Union membership, student [...]

2020-11-23T14:58:05+02:00Tuesday 3.3.2020|

Contact Forum 2020

Contact Forum recruitment event will be organised on Jan 23rd, 2020 at Helsinki Messukeskus: over 100 employers looking for young talents! Meet your future employer and start your summer job search with a rumble [...]

2020-11-23T14:59:11+02:00Monday 13.1.2020|

People from Xamk in a traffic accident

December 13, 2009, four people from Xamk have been involved in a traffic accident on Taavetti Road in Savitaipale. At the time of the accident, there were three students and one student union employee, [...]

2020-11-23T15:02:27+02:00Friday 13.12.2019|

Membership fees will rise on 2.1.2020

The membership fees of the student union Kaakko will increase on 2.1.2020 The new card ordering fees are: card + membership semester, 0,5 year (autumn or spring) 32 €  card + membership academic year 44 [...]

2020-11-23T15:03:44+02:00Tuesday 10.12.2019|
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