
About kaakko

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So far kaakko has created 416 blog entries.

FSHS fee

The health care fee will be 71,60 euros in 2021. According to the act, the fee must be paid in two rates which amounts to 38,5 euros per semester. The amount that must be [...]

2020-12-02T14:13:05+02:00Wednesday 2.12.2020|

Apply to get a computer!

In celebration of upcoming Christmas we put together an early present! Student union Kaakko distributes 23 computers to students! The computers have been used by Xamk and do not include a keyboard or a [...]

2020-12-01T13:46:14+02:00Tuesday 1.12.2020|

Answer Student Union Kaakko´s survey!

Hello student! Student Union Kaakko wants your opinion on the student union's activities and services. The answers are used in the strategy work of the student union and in the development of services. It [...]

2020-11-24T16:59:24+02:00Tuesday 24.11.2020|

Vastaa Opiskelijakunta Kaakon kyselyyn!

Hei opiskelija! Opiskelijakunta Kaakko haluaa mielipiteesi opiskelijakunnan toiminnasta ja palveluista. Vastauksia käytetään opiskelijakunnan strategiatyössä ja palveluiden kehittämisessä. Kyselyyn vastaamiseen menee aikaa enintään 5 minuuttia. Kysely on avoinna 06.12.2020 klo 20.00 asti. Kyselyyn pääset tästä linkistä [...]

2020-11-26T13:47:44+02:00Tuesday 24.11.2020|

Part-time member service coordinator for Kaakko

The first employee of Kaakko has started in the student union. Minttu Villikka, who has been an intern since August 2020, will continue in the ranks of Kaakko in the part-time position of member [...]

2020-11-23T14:09:14+02:00Monday 16.11.2020|

Representative Councils organizing meeting on 21.11.

New Representative Councils organizing meeting will be held on 21st of November from 12.30 p.m. forward. The organizing meeting will be held through Microsoft Teams connection. The possibility of live streaming of the organizing [...]

2020-11-16T09:14:18+02:00Friday 13.11.2020|

Apply to student union Kaakko’s board 2021!

Are you interested in Student Union activities? Do you want to make an impact on things in Xamk? Would YOU be next year's author? Student Union of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences is searching a new board for 2021!  In cooperation with the student union [...]

2020-11-16T09:32:27+02:00Tuesday 10.11.2020|
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