Student Union

The student union serves as a liaison between its members and promotes students’ interests and the social status of students. Public law activities include the selection of a student representative in the Xamk board and other multi-member governing bodies.

Representative Council

The Representative Council decides on large-scale matters in The Student Union, such as the membership fee, the approval of budget and the financial statement.


The board of Student Union Kaakko implements the decisions made by the Representative Council. The Board is in charge of the operational activities together with Kaakko’s staff.

Student representatives

The students’ point of views must be visible at Xamk. The students’ point of views can be easily forgotten in the decision making, if the students are not present themselves to tell about these views. The student representatives represent all students in the decision making at the university of applied sciences.

Any member of the Student Union Kaakko can apply to become a student representative.


All the materials that guide our activities can be found here. The page is in Finnish, but many of the materials are also in English.